Thus, as I hit reset, I want to go back to my stated why for the blog. I entered veterinary medicine as an idealist. If our profession is to be truly successful and fulfilling, we need to refocus on those things that in the past have made veterinarians one of the most admired professions .
What I learned from Dr. D was more than anatomic neurologic diagnosis. I learned that excellence comes from working hard, being passionate, and always being willing to give something back.
The business bright spots during COVID have been those entrepeneurs who have remembered their why but found a way to effectively pivot. Here are 3 examples and what we can learn.
Many veterinary owners of big practices have received a cold call asking about purchase. Consider these important questions before making any decisons.
When businesses stay focused on the importance of "why", they can have long term success. If the why is lost, the business loses its competitive advantage