When the word “sustainability” is spoken, most people instantly get a mental picture of trees, polar bears, and compostable straws. Protecting our environment for future generations is certainly a crucial part of building sustainability. However, sustainability should also be a part of how we think about businesses and our careers.
So, what is sustainability? Sustainability can be defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. More broadly, it might be even more useful to think of sustainability as the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely.
Using either of these definitions, the current state of veterinary medicine is not sustainable. The debt load of new graduates is growing at a faster rate than salaries. Consolidators are buying practices hoping there will be yet another larger buyer. Burnout is increasing and, according to a recent study, only 41% of veterinarians overall and only 24% of veterinarians younger than 34 would recommend pursuing a career in veterinary medicine.
It is possible to change the trajectory. We need to have conversations around veterinary debt consolidation, and look honestly at the root causes for burnout in our profession. In addition, we do need to work to make responsible choices for our communities and the environment in which we live.
Ten Tips to Thrive in Veterinary Emergency Medicine
Despite the recent craziness, I still believe that veterinary emergency and critical care is an awesome part of the profession. I believe these ten tipes make the difference between feeling crushed and being invigorated.
Stories of Women Veterinary Owners: Dr. Addie Reinhard with MentorVet
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The Myth of Work Life Balance
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The Impact of Nationwide Veterinary Groups on Climate Change
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The Power of Pausing
THE POWER OF PAUSING What do ants, naps, a moment of silence, quiet hours in ICU, and vacations have in common? These seemingly disparate things all demonstrate the power of…
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Creating Joy in Work – Critical issues
Last week I discussed IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work and it’s relevance to the veterinary profession. The purpose of the study was identify concrete ways healthcare leaders can …
Creating Joy in Work – The Approach
“It has long seemed a paradox to me that such depletion of joy in work can pervade as noble and meaningful an enterprise as health care. What we in the…