One of my favorite parts of running a large referral center was how many veterinarians in our community I have gotten to know. I believe that collaborative care provides the best medicine.
I also have loved meeting people throughout my city who have been thankful for the care our hospital provided. I was flabbergasted the night my husband and I sat at a new table for a fundraiser at our child’s school, and everyone at the table had been to our hospital with a pet.
It is my belief that we and our profession are strongest when we are an integral part of the communities in which we live and work. We also are strongest when we work together, as a community of veterinary professionals, to advance improvements and change.
Why Veterinarians Should Care about Politics: Science Matters
Veterinarians and the crucial work they do for the federal government are caught in the political cross fire. Veterinarians who care about drug safety, our response to avian influenza outbreak and science in general should contact their representatives to express their concerns.
Ten Tips to Thrive in Veterinary Emergency Medicine
Despite the recent craziness, I still believe that veterinary emergency and critical care is an awesome part of the profession. I believe these ten tipes make the difference between feeling crushed and being invigorated.
Thus, as I hit reset, I want to go back to my stated why for the blog. I entered veterinary medicine as an idealist. If our profession is to be truly successful and fulfilling, we need to refocus on those things that in the past have made veterinarians one of the most admired professions .
Read the Fine Print
Read the Fine Print A number of people have recently discussed their veterinary employment contracts with me. I have previously written about contracts and I have also presented webinars on…
Non-Compete Clauses for Veterinarians: Are they Ethical?
The American Medical Association’s code of ethics states that physicians should not enter into non-competes that unreasonably restrict their right to practice in a geographic region. Shouldn’t the same hold true for veterinarians?
Reflections and Resolutions
Reflections on a crazy year can help identify what gave you strength and what matters most. Use those reflections to make 2021 resolutions.
Fifty Things
For my 50th birthday, here are fifty things I am grateful for this year. I hope some of them will also bring you smiles.
Confronting Bias
It is easy to live in a liberal city as a professional and feel like you are not part of the problem. However, as veterinarians, we have to acknowledge that we are part of one of the least racially diverse professions in the country.
The business bright spots during COVID have been those entrepeneurs who have remembered their why but found a way to effectively pivot. Here are 3 examples and what we can learn.
Why we should be Effective Givers
Why we should be effective givers The stress of giving This past month, I have been thinking about giving. It is easy to view December and gift giving like Sheldon…